ORDERS ONLINE 24/7!   Orders placed before 10 of September, will be delivered before September, 21-22
Daily 9:00–20:00
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We offer 1 year warranty on all our furniture. Please, read below for further details.

Damage in transit

In the unlikely event that your furniture is damaged during delivery, we will supply you replacement components. You need to notify us 5 workings days from the date of receipt of furniture.

We will ask you to provide us with a photos of damage and a number of the required replacement part. Part numbers can be found on the assembly instructions provided with the furniture. Please, email photo evidence and part number as well as your order number to orders@furniture-brw.co.uk.

Details of furniture warranty

We source our furniture from carefully chosen, reliable manufacturers who share our belief in providing quality items that are durable and represent value for money. All furniture supplied is guaranteed to remain fit for the purpose for which it was supplied for 1 years from the date of receipt.

  • This warranty extends to all mechanical functions of the furniture and its compo-nents and surface finishes.
  • This warranty excludes fair wear and tear and any damage resulting from abuse, whether intentional or accidental. The Company will, if possible, undertake to repair such damage at a cost to the client in line with the Company’s normal pricing policy.
  • This warranty excludes damage by fire, flood or any severe environmental condition for which the furniture and installation were not designed, including smoke, damp and high temperatures.
  • This warranty excludes damage caused by any use of the furniture for a purpose that the company could not have foreseen and of which it was not advised, in writing, at the time of order.
  • This warranty excludes accidental damage normally covered under buildings or con-tents insurance.
  • This warranty will terminate in the event that the client makes any modification to or repair of the furniture or installation without the approval of the Company.
  • This warranty is additional to the terms of all legislation relating to the supply of goods and services and does not affect the statutory rights of either party.

Returns and Cancellations

i. An order may be cancelled at any time between the placement of the order and 14 calendar days following the delivery of goods.
If the Buyer is dissatisfied with the purchase for any reason he/she may, within seven calendar days of delivery, contact the Seller to notify them that he/she wishes to return some or all items from his/her order. The refund for any cancelled order may take up to 30 days after cancellation has been noted by the buyer. The returns for the UK orders must be sent to the seller within 7 calendar days after seller agrees to take back returned items. If the buyer fails to deliver returns within 7 calendar day period, the seller holds the rights not to accept the goods back.

ii. Buyer have to arrange the return the goods himself to the Seller's specified address at his own cost.

iii. Buyer will be responsible for return delivery costs which will be deducted from his/her refund. Returns must be agreed with the seller before being dispatched to the seller's address / warehouse (Medyka 405A pawilion 44, 37-732, Medyka, Poland). S4U Trade LTD sp.z.o.o Company signs for all the deliveries it receives at its place on daily basis. Therefore, if the buyer sends returns to the seller without seller's agreement, the seller keeps right not to accept it/them though the seller or warehouse employees may physically sign for that. The buyer will be liable for recollection fees and recollection arrangement in such cases. 

iv. Goods must be returned to the Seller in the same condition they were in at the time of delivery to the Buyer and in their original packaging. Items which are not adequately packaged at time of collection may not be collected and a charge of £35 may be levied to cover cost of failed collection. 

v. Refunds will be issued within 30 days of receipt of goods and after we have inspected them for damage. We reserve the right to withhold all or part of your refund if items are returned damaged.

vi. Please note that for selected items of leather/fabric upholstery there is a 50% cancellation/returns fee unless the order is cancelled within one week of placement. Such items are clearly marked.

vii. Mattresses can only be returned if they are unopened. Mattresses which have been opened and slept on cannot be returned. If you wish to test a mattress please keep it wrapped until you are sure you want to keep it.

viii. We do not accept items that have already been assembled by the buyer. Cancellation or return policy will not be effective if the items have already been assembled. If any production or transport damage or missing parts is noticed by the buyer, the buyer has to inform the seller within 7 calendar days of receiving items. If one or some parts are proved to be missing or damage proves to be from production or transport after our investigation, the seller is obliged to replace the damaged  or missing parts. 

ix. We do not accept or reimburse on modified furniture. Any item claimed to bear production error or transport damage will be inspected by the seller or manufacturer on the basis of pictures sent by the buyer. The results of inspection will be informed to the buyer in writing either by email or by post. Please note, the seller is not obliged to disclose any information such as emails, reports, terms and conditions exchanged between seller and manufacturer to the buyer. 

x. If the customer uses the gift voucher, he/she automatically agrees that there is no return on the furniture purchased. In some cases, if seller agrees to accept returns, he deducts the value of vouchers he provided for the customer and customer's friend plus delivery and administration costs and then compensates the remained balance to the customer.

Na wszystkie nasze meble udzielamy 1 roku gwarancji. Proszę przeczytać poniżej, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.

Uszkodzenia w transporcie

W mało prawdopodobnym przypadku uszkodzenia mebli podczas dostawy, dostarczymy części zamienne. Musisz nas powiadomić 5 dni roboczych od daty odbioru mebli.

Poprosimy Cię o dostarczenie nam zdjęć uszkodzeń oraz numeru wymaganej części zamiennej. Numery części można znaleźć w instrukcji montażu dołączonej do mebla. Prosimy o przesłanie e-maila ze zdjęciem i numerem części oraz numerem zamówienia na adres orders@furniture-brw.co.uk.

Szczegóły gwarancji na meble

Nasze meble pozyskujemy od starannie wyselekcjonowanych, sprawdzonych producentów, którzy podzielają naszą wiarę w dostarczanie wysokiej jakości produktów, które są trwałe i mają dobry stosunek jakości do ceny.

  • Niniejsza gwarancja obejmuje wszystkie mechaniczne funkcje mebla oraz jego elementy i wykończenia powierzchni.
  • Niniejsza gwarancja wyklucza normalne zużycie i wszelkie szkody wynikające z nadużycia, celowego lub przypadkowego. Firma, o ile to możliwe, zobowiąże się do naprawienia takich szkód na koszt klienta zgodnie z normalną polityką cenową Firmy.
  • Niniejsza gwarancja nie obejmuje uszkodzeń powstałych w wyniku pożaru, zalania lub jakichkolwiek trudnych warunków środowiskowych, do których meble i instalacja nie zostały zaprojektowane, w tym dymu, wilgoci i wysokich temperatur.
  • Niniejsza gwarancja nie obejmuje uszkodzeń spowodowanych jakimkolwiek użytkowaniem mebli do celów, których firma nie mogła przewidzieć i o których nie została poinformowana na piśmie w momencie składania zamówienia.
  • Niniejsza gwarancja wygasa w przypadku, gdy klient dokona jakichkolwiek modyfikacji lub naprawy mebli lub instalacji bez zgody Firmy.
  • Niniejsza gwarancja stanowi uzupełnienie warunków wszystkich przepisów dotyczących dostaw towarów i usług i nie wpływa na prawa ustawowe żadnej ze stron.
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