BLACK RED WHITEFurniture PORTO BRW is an unique collection with perfect combination of functionality and simple forms. It is available in two color options to choose. Monochromatic, white color "larch Sibiu light" with a slightly cracked wood graining with the top of the furniture in a dark-colored "pine Larico" is offered for fans of the Scandinavian style. Supporters of classics will certainly draw attention for a warm color "natural oak Burlington". The elements of the furniture are equipped with roller guides with interlocks against excessive slipping and Hettich hinges with the option of adjusting fronts. The showcase has a safety glass, which is characterized by increased resistance to mechanical damage. Table top of the desk is covered with a material that increases its resistance to scratches. Universal, comprehensive capacious furniture PORTO BRW will decorate a living room, dining room, kids room, bedroom, and even a small home hall.